Robert Kiyosaki has held the firm conviction for many years that the best investment a person can ever make is the investment of time and effort into developing an in-depth comprehension of how one’s personal finances operate. Way too many people are much more interested in the quick-hitting plan or trying to locate a shortcut to genuine wealth. Before one can even begin the process of trying to escape the daily financial rat race, as Kiyosaki has often preached, one must first have a solid understanding of how money functions as a system.
Rich Dads Increase Your Financial IQ: Get Smarter with Your Money [Download pdf Below]
Now, in the most recent installment of the wildly successful Rich Dad Poor Dad book series, Kiyosaki lays out his five most important concepts of Financial Intelligence for readers of all backgrounds to comprehend. In his book “INCREASE YOUR FINANCIAL IQ,” Robert Kiyosaki offers readers concrete advice on the following essential stepping stones on the path to financial success:
- How to make more money, how to evaluate what you are truly worth right now, what your possibilities are, and how to begin planning for your financial future.
- How to safeguard your finances, bearing in mind that paying taxes is an unavoidable aspect of everyday life. Kiyosaki demonstrates that “it’s not what you make….what it’s you keep,” which is the more important financial goal.
- How to create a budget for your money — everyone wants to live a lavish lifestyle, but you need to understand how to do so while staying within your financial means. Kiyosaki teaches you how you can.
- How to put your money to work for you is an essential part of developing your financial IQ; you must know how to put your money to work so that it can benefit you.
- How to improve the knowledge you have about your finances — Kiyosaki teaches you how to quicken the accumulation of money as you gain more and more knowledge.