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Keperawatan Kesehatan Jiwa [pdf] – 13stream

Kesehatan jiwa merupakan suatu bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari kesehatan dan bagian integral serta merupakan unsur utama dalam menunjang terwujudnya kualitas hidup manusia yang...

Handbook Of Obstetric Medicine By Catherine Nelson-Piercy [pdf]

It is common practice for medical professionals to be involved in the management of pregnant patients, even if they may not necessarily be specialists...

Computer Organisation And Architecture: An Introduction [pdf]

This book illustrates how a computer works and shows how the various hardware components are grouped and interconnected to offer a platform upon which...

Pembelajaran Membaca [pdf] – 13stream

Sekolah dasar merupakan jenjang formal pertama di dalam pendidikan yang harus dilewati untuk bisa melanjutkan ke jenjang berikutnya. Oleh karena itu, kemampuan dasar pembelajaran diberikan kepada...

Supernova: Petir [pdf] – 13stream

Tak ada cara untuk menggambarkannya dengan tepat. Tapi coba bayangkan ada sepuluh ribu ikan piranha yang menyergapmu langsung. Kau tak mungkin berpikir. Tak mungin mengucapkan...

ACCA F3 – Financial Accounting (INT) Study Text – STIMUL [pdf]

The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) serves as the professional accounting industry’s governing organization on a global scale. BPP Learning Media is an...

Mythology : Timeless Tales Of Gods And Heroes, Deluxe Illustrated Edition...

Edith Hamilton’s Mythology has maintained its status as a perennial best-seller since Little, Brown, and Company first released it in 1942. The book has...

Season Of Migration To The North By Salih Tayeb [pdf]

The young narrator of Season of Migration to the North returns to his hamlet in Sudan, located along the Nile, after spending several years...

The Seat Of The Soul [pdf]

You are encouraged to take charge of your own life by becoming your own authority through The Seat of the Soul. It will alter...

The Social Animal [pdf] – 13stream

The Social Animal is an accessible and engaging introduction to contemporary social psychology. It has become a landmark text because it has managed to...

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