Few things are as nerve-wracking as bringing a new life into the world. To begin, the problem of pregnancy causes bones to move about and organs to move around to make room for a new body to develop inside a womb. Then there are the societal and material repercussions of having a kid, such as having to devote one’s entire supply of time, money, and energy to ensuring the well-being of another living creature.
One of the expectations placed on women by society is that they will forego all of their goals and ambitions in favor of focusing entirely on the responsibilities of motherhood. Unfortuitously, even though we are all aware of these problems, the difficulties of motherhood remain a taboo subject that cannot be spoken about.
Huesera: The Bone Woman Trailer
Because of this, Michelle Garza Cervera’s first foray into the world of feature film directing, Huesera: The Bone Woman, is alluring. The film takes an innovative approach to the topic by looking at it through the lens of horror, resulting in an unsettling experience that is nevertheless illuminating regarding the challenges that mothers face.
The film Huesera follows the main character, Valeria, played by Natalia Solián, from the beginning of her pregnancy to the birth of her kid, bringing Valeria’s inner universe to life through unsettling visuals. At first look, Valeria seems overjoyed at becoming a parent, yet, it doesn’t take Huesera very long to point out the inherent tensions that come with becoming a parent.
And just as Valeria is coming to terms with the fact that she will have to give up her hobbies, her pleasure, and any semblance of independence once people start putting her in the role of a mother, she begins to have terrifying visions of a woman with broken legs crawling after her and hiding in dark corners. This occurs just as Valeria realizes she will have to give up her hobbies, her pleasure, and any semblance of independence once people start.
As the movie continues, the supernatural presence becomes more tangible, affecting the world around Valeria and causing her loved ones and close acquaintances to question whether or not she is sane. Meanwhile, Valeria’s body begins to crack and move under the weight of her forthcoming kid, delivering to the audience a weird body-horror spectacle that accomplishes a lot with minimum makeup and special effects because of Solián’s dedication to the part of Valeria.
As if coping with a supernatural presence wasn’t challenging enough, Valeria’s life seems to be slipping through her fingers the longer she is pregnant. This is because everyone in her inner circle demonstrates to her how the baby will be the only thing that matters from that point forward. In a nutshell, Valeria’s life in Huesera is a double nightmare. First, she is excluded from everyone and left alone at a time when she needs assistance the most to grasp the conflicted sentiments she has about being a mother.
Things are about to take a turn for the worst, and before the credits roll, Valeria will be compelled to face the monster chasing her through her waking life and her genuine sentiments regarding parenting.
The direct and intensely felt nature of Cervera’s delivery of this unsettling message directly results from her choice of delivery method. Although motherhood is a sensitive topic, Huesera never shies away from unearthing the skeletons that some people would rather keep hidden in the ground.
Simply for that reason, the movie deserves commendation right off the get. Despite this, Huesera is shot exceptionally well, and every ensemble member gives a performance that deserves commendation. All of this has served to ratchet up our anticipation for the next project that the filmmaker will bring to the big screen.
Huesera is such a breath of fresh air for some reasons; rather than trying to replicate the atmosphere of Hollywood films, it embraces Mexico and its culture wholeheartedly. This indicates that Huesera is full to the brim with the religious syncretism of Latin American countries, which consists of the coexistence of Christian rituals and pagan practices.
Huesera is a horror film that elevates its narrative by including Latin American aspects. These components range from the makeshift architecture of poor communities to everyday difficulties like running water. Huesera is an original film in the horror genre. In light of this, Cervera analyzes, in her first feature film, how the expectations around motherhood are even further exaggerated in Latin American countries.
The way in which Huesera prioritizes metaphor above clarity will almost certainly turn off some viewers. Nevertheless, horror lovers willing to approach Huesera with open hearts will be granted a one-of-a-kind experience that exposes the cruelty of women being reduced to their position as mothers.