In order to give undergraduate medical students with information regarding the most recent advancements in the field, the eighth edition of Inderbir Singh’s Textbook of Human Histology has undergone a comprehensive revision.

Inderbir Singh’s Textbook of Human Histology with Colour Atlas and Practical Guide by Neelam Vasudeva & Sabita Mishra [pdf]

The book starts off with a color atlas that has more than 80 slides and provides an introduction to histology along with a rapid review tool. In the chapters that follow, we will talk about the histology of several areas of the body.

A new chapter on light microbiology and tissue preparation has been included in the new edition to assist students in learning the fundamentals of histology. Each topic has also been brought up to date in its entirety.

Histological plates have been included in each segment to make it easier to recognize important characteristics when seen via a microscope. All of the pictures have been drawn, and many new illustrations as well as clinical and pathological linkages have been included in the updated version.

The essentials Completely updated and rewritten new edition that introduces students to the most recent advancements in human histology Contains a full-color atlas that displays more than eighty histology slides. Included is a new chapter on light microbiology as well as histology plates for each topic. 2014 saw the publication of the previous edition.