Human Resource Management: Text and Cases by K. Aswathappa Download pdf

Human Resource Management: Text and Cases is a comprehensive guide that provides an in-depth understanding of the principles and practices of human resource management. Authored by K. Aswathappa, the book is an essential resource for students pursuing management courses and working professionals looking to enhance their knowledge in the field of HRM.

The book is divided into four parts, with each part covering a specific aspect of human resource management. Part one introduces the concept of HRM and its evolution, the legal framework, and the importance of HRM in organizations. Part two discusses the process of recruitment and selection, and how to effectively manage employee performance. Part three covers employee development, training, and compensation, while part four delves into the issues of employee welfare, industrial relations, and HRM in the global context.

The book presents case studies and examples that help readers understand the practical application of the concepts covered in each chapter. The use of case studies also helps readers to develop critical thinking skills and apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations.

Overall, Human Resource Management: Text and Cases is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their understanding of HRM. It is also a useful tool for HR practitioners who wish to keep themselves updated with the latest trends and best practices in the field.

If you are interested in reading this book, you can download the PDF version for free.


Happy reading!